How To Protect Your Family with Mortgage Life Insurance


As a homeowner, you've already taken an important step toward building financial security for your family by investing in real estate. However, it's crucial to consider what would happen if something were to happen to you. Would your family be able to continue making mortgage payments without your income? Mortgage life insurance provides a safety net in this scenario. By purchasing a policy that covers the remaining balance of your mortgage, your family's home would be protected even after you're gone. For a relatively small premium, you gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing your loved ones would be able to keep the family home. Protecting your largest financial asset is well worth the investment. Read on to learn more about how mortgage life insurance works and how to determine the right policy for your needs.

What Is Mortgage Life Insurance?

Mortgage life insurance, also known as mortgage protection insurance, is a type of term life insurance designed to pay off your mortgage if you pass away before it's paid off.

How It Works

When you take out a mortgage to purchase a home, the lender requires that you have homeowners insurance to protect the property itself. However, the lenders do not require any insurance to repay the mortgage if you die. Mortgage life insurance fills in this gap. You choose a policy that would pay off the remaining balance of your mortgage if you pass away during the term of the policy.

Why You Need It

Without mortgage life insurance, if you were to pass away, your family may be unable to pay off the remaining mortgage balance. This could put them at risk of losing your home. Mortgage life insurance provides an affordable way to ensure your family can pay off the mortgage and keep the home even after you're gone.

The policy only needs to be in place until your mortgage is paid in full. Once your mortgage is paid off, your need for this coverage ends. The premiums and coverage amounts are designed specifically based on your mortgage details like the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of mortgage life insurance depends on several factors like your age, health, the value of your mortgage, and the length of your loan. On average, mortgage life insurance costs between $10 to $30 per month. The younger and healthier you are, the lower your premiums will be. The premiums remain level for the duration of your policy.

Mortgage life insurance gives you peace of mind that your loved ones will be able to keep your home even after you’re gone. For most homeowners, it’s an affordable way to protect one of the largest financial investments they’ll ever make.

Why Do You Need Mortgage Life Insurance?

Mortgage life insurance provides financial protection for your family if something were to happen to you. Here are the key reasons why you need this coverage:

Peace of Mind

Knowing your loved ones will be able to remain in their home even after you're gone provides invaluable peace of mind. Mortgage life insurance helps ensure your family's financial security by paying off the remaining balance of your mortgage.

Affordable Coverage

Mortgage life insurance is very budget-friendly. Premiums are typically low relative to the amount of coverage provided. The insurance only needs to be in place long enough to pay off your mortgage, usually 15 to 30 years.

###Flexible Options###

You can customize mortgage life insurance to suit your needs. Choose between term life insurance that provides coverage for a fixed period of time or permanent life insurance that provides lifelong coverage. You can also select the amount of coverage that matches your mortgage balance. As your mortgage is paid down, you can decrease the coverage amount to avoid over-insuring.

Tax Benefits

The proceeds from mortgage life insurance are generally income tax-free. Your beneficiaries can use the full amount to pay off the remaining mortgage with no tax liability. Compare this to other assets like stocks or real estate which may incur capital gains taxes.

Mortgage life insurance provides essential protection for homeowners. Review your options to find affordable coverage that meets your needs and provides financial security for your loved ones.

CHECK ALSO: What are the Principle Types Of Life Insurance

How Much Mortgage Life Insurance Do You Need?

To determine how much mortgage life insurance you need, you’ll need to consider your unique financial situation and family responsibilities. As a general rule of thumb, aim for enough coverage to pay off your mortgage, any other debts owed, and provide financial security for your dependents if something were to happen to you.

Calculate Your Mortgage Balance

First, determine your current mortgage principal balance. This is the amount you still owe on your mortgage, not including interest. If you’re not sure of the exact amount, check your most recent mortgage statement or contact your lender.

Factor in Other Debts

In addition to your mortgage, do you have any other significant debts like auto loans, credit cards or personal loans? If so, calculate the total amount owed for each. Your life insurance payout should be enough to cover all of these financial obligations so your family does not inherit your debt.

Consider Your Family's Needs

Think about your family members who depend on your income like a spouse, children or aging parents. How much money would they need each month to maintain their standard of living if you were no longer able to provide for them? A good rule of thumb is to purchase a policy that would provide 60-80% of your annual income over a period of at least 10-20 years. For example, if you earn $60,000 per year, aim for $36,000 to $48,000 per year in coverage.

Policy Type and Duration

The two most common types of mortgage life insurance are decreasing term, where coverage decreases over time, and level term, where coverage remains the same. Decreasing term is less expensive but may leave your family with less coverage than needed if something happened later on. Level term provides consistent coverage for a fixed period, such as 10 to 30 years. Choose a policy duration that aligns with the remaining term of your mortgage.

By following these steps and working with a licensed insurance agent, you can determine an appropriate amount of mortgage life insurance to protect your greatest financial asset—your family. Review your coverage needs regularly and make adjustments as necessary to account for changes in income, dependents, mortgage amounts or other life events.

How Long Should Mortgage Life Insurance Last?

Mortgage life insurance is designed to pay off your mortgage in the event of your death, but how long should you keep the policy in place? The answer depends on several factors.

Your Mortgage Term

In most cases, you'll want mortgage life insurance coverage to last at least as long as your mortgage. If your mortgage is a 15-year term, aim for 15 years of coverage. For a 30-year mortgage, secure a 30-year policy. That way if something were to happen to you, the payout would be enough to pay off the remaining balance and provide financial security for your family.

Once your mortgage is paid off, you may no longer need mortgage life insurance. However, there are some reasons you may want to consider keeping coverage in place:

• Your family would still need the payout to cover living expenses, education costs for children, or other financial responsibilities in your absence. The payout could provide income replacement for a certain period of time.

• You have a young family who would struggle without your income and financial support. The payout could help ensure their stability during a difficult time.

• The premiums for your policy are low enough that keeping the coverage makes financial sense. As long as the premiums remain affordable and you still need coverage, it may be worthwhile to keep.

• Your mortgage life insurance policy also builds cash value over time which you could tap into later or pass on to beneficiaries. Permanent life insurance, like whole life policies, build cash value that remains even after your mortgage is paid off.

• Interest rates have decreased since you purchased the policy, so the coverage amount would cost significantly more to replace now. It may make sense to keep the policy to avoid higher premiums for new coverage.

In summary, the ideal length of coverage depends on your unique situation and needs. But as a general rule of thumb, aim for at least the duration of your mortgage term. You can then reevaluate your needs once the mortgage is paid off to determine if additional coverage time is necessary or if the policy can be canceled. The most important thing is that your family's financial security and well-being are provided for.

Types of Mortgage Life Insurance Policies

Mortgage life insurance policies provide coverage for the remaining balance of your mortgage if you pass away before the loan is repaid. There are two main types of mortgage life insurance to consider:

\n\n### Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides coverage for a fixed period of time, typically 10 to 30 years which matches the length of most mortgages. It is a more affordable option since coverage is only provided during the policy term. However, once the term expires, coverage ends and no cash value is accumulated. You would need to purchase a new policy to continue coverage.

\n\n### Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance, such as whole life or universal life, provides lifetime coverage and builds cash value over time that you can borrow against or withdraw. Premiums are higher than term life insurance, as you are paying for lifetime coverage. However, the policy accumulates cash value that can be borrowed or withdrawn in emergencies. Permanent life insurance may cost more initially, but premiums remain fixed and coverage is guaranteed for life.

The type of mortgage life insurance you choose depends on your needs, budget, and the length of your mortgage. For most homeowners, term life insurance is a more affordable option, especially for 15 to 30-year mortgages. Permanent life insurance may make sense if you want coverage beyond the mortgage term or wish to build cash value. In any case, mortgage life insurance provides invaluable peace of mind that your loved ones will not be burdened with the remaining mortgage balance should something happen to you. Meet with a licensed insurance agent to determine the right mortgage life insurance policy for your unique situation.

How Much Does Mortgage Life Insurance Cost?

Mortgage life insurance provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death by paying off the remaining balance of your mortgage. The cost of mortgage life insurance depends on several factors, including:

  1. Your age: Premiums are typically lower the younger you are, as the risk of death is lower. Premiums increase as you get older.
  2. Your health: If you smoke or have certain medical conditions, premiums will likely be higher due to the increased risk. Non-smokers in good health will usually pay less.
  3. The amount of coverage: The more coverage you purchase to match your mortgage balance, the higher your premiums will be. Only buy enough coverage to pay off what you owe on your mortgage.
  4. The type of policy: Term life insurance policies that cover you for a specific time period, like 10-30 years to match your mortgage term, typically have lower premiums than whole life policies. Term life is usually sufficient and more affordable for mortgage protection needs.
  5. The mortgage interest rate: If you have a lower fixed-rate mortgage, the premiums may be slightly lower than for a mortgage with a higher variable rate, as there is less risk of the balance increasing over time.

On average, mortgage life insurance costs between $15 to $30 per month for every $100,000 of coverage for a healthy 30-year-old. So for a $200,000 mortgage, premiums could be $300-$600 per year or $25-$50 per month. The older you are or if you smoke, premiums would be on the higher end of this range or possibly higher. Premiums are usually fixed for the life of the policy and paid monthly, quarterly or annually.

Mortgage life insurance provides essential protection for your family for a relatively low cost. Compare quotes from multiple insurers to find a policy that suits your needs and budget. Make sure to only purchase enough coverage to pay off your mortgage in the event of your death.

How to Apply for Mortgage Life Insurance

To apply for mortgage life insurance, follow these steps:

First, determine how much coverage you need. A good rule of thumb is to get a policy that covers the total amount of your mortgage. This ensures your family will not be burdened with mortgage payments should something happen to you.

Next, compare quotes from different insurance providers. Look for a reputable company with competitive rates. Check their financial stability and customer satisfaction ratings. Compare the costs of different policy types, like term life versus whole life. Term life is more affordable but whole life builds cash value over time.

Then, go through the application process. This typically involves filling out an application, answering health questions, and possibly taking a medical exam. Be honest in your answers, as inaccuracies can void your policy. The exam and application are used to determine your premium rates based on your health and lifestyle risks.

Once your application is approved, make your first premium payment to activate coverage. Mortgage life insurance premiums are paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Choose a payment plan that fits your budget. Late or missed payments can result in penalties and even cancelation of your policy.

Finally, update your policy as needed. Life events like having children, buying a new home, or retirement may require adjusting your coverage. You’ll also want to review your rates periodically to ensure you’re still getting a competitive price. Make any rate adjustments or alterations to coverage in writing through your insurance provider.

Mortgage life insurance provides essential financial protection for your loved ones. While the application process requires providing personal health details and navigating various options, obtaining the right policy and coverage is worth the effort and peace of mind it provides. With the proper planning and responsible management, mortgage life insurance can give you confidence in the financial security of your family.

Top Mortgage Life Insurance Companies

When choosing a mortgage life insurance policy, it's important to consider the top companies offering these products. Some of the best mortgage life insurance companies are:


Prudential is one of the largest life insurance companies in the U.S. and offers competitive rates on mortgage life insurance. They provide term life insurance policies that can match the length of your mortgage. Prudential has an A+ rating from A.M. Best, indicating financial stability.

State Farm

State Farm is another reputable company that offers mortgage life insurance at reasonable prices. They are the largest auto and home insurer in the U.S. but also provide life insurance, including term policies that can pay off your mortgage if you pass away during the policy term. State Farm has an A++ rating from A.M. Best.

Banner Life

Banner Life specializes in term life insurance and is known for affordable rates. They offer term life insurance policies with terms up to 40 years that can cover your mortgage. Banner Life has an A+ rating from A.M. Best. They do not have local agents so you need to apply on their website or over the phone.

In summary, when choosing a mortgage life insurance policy, consider a reputable company with competitive rates and term lengths that match your mortgage. Check the company's financial ratings and reviews to find a provider you can trust to protect your family's financial security.

FAQs: Questions About Mortgage Life Insurance Coverage

Mortgage life insurance provides important coverage for your loved ones in the event of your passing. However, you likely have some questions about how it works and what it covers. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about mortgage life insurance.

What exactly does mortgage life insurance cover?

Mortgage life insurance is designed specifically to pay off your remaining mortgage balance in the event of your death. It provides your family financial security by eliminating this large debt. The policy amount decreases over time as your mortgage principal is paid down.

How much does mortgage life insurance cost?

The premiums for mortgage life insurance depend on several factors, including your age, health, the amount of coverage needed to pay off your mortgage, and the length of your mortgage term. Premiums are usually paid monthly. The good news is that as your mortgage principal decreases over time, your premiums will also decrease.

Can the policy amount be more than my mortgage balance?

Some mortgage life insurance policies allow you to purchase additional coverage beyond your mortgage balance. This added coverage can provide your family with extra financial security. The additional amount is called "overage" and the premiums are typically higher for the overage portion of the policy.

What happens if I switch mortgages or refinance?

If you change or refinance your mortgage, you will need to adjust your mortgage life insurance coverage to match. You can either cancel your current policy and take out a new one to match the new mortgage, or amend your existing policy to update the coverage amount and premiums. Be sure to make any needed changes to avoid being underinsured or overpaying on premiums.

What happens if I pay off my mortgage early?

Once your mortgage is paid off, your mortgage life insurance coverage is no longer needed. At that point, you can cancel the policy to avoid continuing to pay premiums. Some insurers may allow you to convert the policy to a permanent life insurance policy. Check with your insurance provider for your options.

Paying off the mortgage is an important goal, but protecting your family financially in the process is essential. Mortgage life insurance provides security and peace of mind that your loved ones will still have a place to call home even after you're gone.


As you can see, mortgage life insurance is an important tool to protect your loved ones financially. Though the monthly premium payments may seem like an unnecessary expense, the payout in the event of your untimely passing will give your family security and stability when they need it most. Providing for your family's wellbeing even after you're gone is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give. Meet with your insurance agent today to discuss options for mortgage life insurance coverage that fits your needs and budget. Your family's future is worth the investment.

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